United Macedonian Diaspora’s Companions – A Distinction of Honor

Please click HERE for downloadable brochure. 

Please click HERE for a special letter from prominent Macedonians George Atanasoski and John L.N. Bitove, C.M.

*Artwork was designed by Macedonian-American artist Blagojce Stojanovski.  To learn more about his work, please visit his website at http://www.blagoart.com/*

 Alexander the Great’s Companions were the most effective military cavalry unit of the ancient world  – UMD’s Macedonian Companions are the most effective supporters of the  global Macedonian cause…

MACEDONIAN COMPANIONS provide vital financial support for UMD to continue preserving, promoting, and protecting the Macedonian heritage worldwide.

As a proud Macedonian Companion, you will help UMD to:
• Preserve our Macedonian name, identity, and culture;
• Promote Macedonian interests to global policy makers;
• Aid Macedonians in need through charitable projects; 
• Convey our rich historical and cultural legacies to the world and to our youth.

What is the Macedonian Companions program?
The Macedonian Companions program will constitute 300 supporters, each bestowing to UMD a tax-deductible donation of $1,000 (or more) annually for three years.  These funds will enable UMD to preserve Macedonia’s heritage and to champion our struggle for justice.  The UMD Advisory Council formed a Subcommittee to provide oversight and accountability of these funds on an ongoing basis. 

What is the United Macedonian Diaspora?
Founded in 2004, UMD is a leading international non-governmental and non-profit organization advocating for the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities worldwide.  Headquartered in Washington, D.C., UMD has built a formidable advocacy and operations network throughout the U.S., Australia, Canada, and Europe, with membership spanning across six continents. 

Why act now?
Throughout history, Macedonians have been denied the right to self-determination with great vigor.  Our existence as Macedonians with a distinct identity, culture, and language continues to be challenged even today.  The Companions program is, therefore, UMD’s answer to our people’s global struggle for self-determination.  A strong unified voice advocating for and promoting the Macedonian interests worldwide is the only way in which we will prevail and secure our people’s future.  By becoming a Companion, you empower UMD to carry out this vital role in the world’s power centers so that global policymakers gain respect for our people and our homeland. 

What are the benefits of becoming a Macedonian Companion?
• The immeasurable value of supporting the Macedonian Cause through UMD;
• Access to UMD’s diverse network of professionals, including policymakers, business and think-tank leaders, and Macedonian Ambassadors abroad at private Companions-only gatherings;
• Invitations to all nationwide and international advocacy events;
• Subscription to a hard copy of the quarterly UMD Voice magazine.

It is time for Macedonians to define their future and write the legacy our children will honor!
Become a Companion and help UMD preserve our name – Macedonia, our identity, and our exceptional heritage for generations to come!  Only united can we prevail!

To learn more about or to pledge your support for the Macedonian Companions program, please contact: UMD’s Vice President Aleksandar Mitreski at amitreski@umdiaspora.org, or call +1 (202) 294-3400. 

You can also join join the program online by clicking HERE and making your pledge contribution.  Canadians, please click HERE

“As Goce Delcev stated; ‘I understand the world as a field for cultural competition among nations.’  If one accepts this premise, then let Macedonian culture and values compete equally… Your critical support gives UMD the confidence to carry on the dreams and aspirations of our forefathers to secure the equal rights of Macedonians worldwide!  Please help us ensure that our Macedonian heritage and values are respected in this rapidly changing and challenging world,” said UMD Advisory Council member Mark B. Mitskovski announcing the program at the 3rd Annual UMD Global Conference Gala on June 25, 2011.

UMD’s Accomplishments & Key Activities

• Opened office and hired full-time staff in Washington, D.C. (2008-09);
• Established Macedonia Caucus in U.S. Congress (April 2011);
• Organized largest Congressional Staff Delegation to Macedonia (2010);
• Organized three Global Conferences – 1,500 delegates from 23+ countries;
• Led Macedonia in NATO Campaign (2008, 2010); coordinated 6.8 million+ e-mails to NATO leaders prior to Bucharest Summit;
• Encouraged letters from 23 members of Congress to President Obama; and letters from Canadian Parliamentarians to Prime Minister Harper supporting Macedonia’s NATO membership;
• Published 10 issues of UMD Voice, which has grown into a world premier bilingual Macedonian publication;

United States
• Met four times with UN Ambassador Matthew Nimetz to reiterate the Macedonian Diaspora’s policy of no name change;
• Organized three Macedonia Advocacy Days in U.S. Congress, and one UN Advocacy Day;
• Led the Macedonian-American 2010 Census Project Coalition (2010);
• Hosted roundtable discussions between the Macedonian Diaspora and Macedonia’s top leadership;
• Published opinion pieces in the Washington Times, Foreign Policy Association, among other publications;
• Established a Washington, D.C. internship program.

• Met Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and presented him the UMD Goce Delchev Award (2010);
• Led three delegations to Canada’s Parliament in Ottawa;
• Hosted Macedonian activists from Albania, Bulgaria, and Greece to meet with policy makers in Ottawa, Toronto, and Washington, D.C. (2007-10);
• Sponsored two University of Toronto student trips to Macedonia (2009-10).

• Co-organized and handled media relations for Macedonia Name Protest in Melbourne – 20,000+ protesters (2008);
• Co-organized two Forums on Advancing Australian-Macedonian Relations in Australian Parliament in Canberra and celebrations of Macedonia’s 20th Anniversary of Independence (2009-11);
• Provided management support to Australia Research Council Linkage project “Survey of the Macedonian Community and Links with Macedonia,” in partnership with the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Victoria University (2009-11);
• Published seven op-ed pieces on Australian Foreign Policy towards Macedonia.
• Led delegation to European Parliament in Brussels (2009):
• Coordinated 3 million+ e-mails to EU Parliamentarians protesting discrimination of Macedonian minority in Bulgaria (2006);
• Established representation in Austria, France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, and United Kingdom.

Various Cultural, Educational, and Humanitarian Programs
• Sponsored the Macedonian Film Festivals in London (2009) and Toronto (2009-11); Macedonian Cultural Festival in New Jersey (2008); Macedonian Food Festival in Perth (2011);
• Awarded $12,000 in scholarships to undergraduate students;
• Premiered the movie “A Name is A Name” in 6 cities (2009-10) and “Next Year in Lerin” at the Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival (2009);
• Sponsored 7th Macedonian-North American Conference of Macedonian Studies, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (2009);
• Donated over $20,000 in clothes, supplies, food and medical assistance to children and senior citizens in Macedonia.

UMD is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit in the United States, a registered charity in Canada, and a non-profit in Australia.

Contact Information

United Macedonian Diaspora
1510 H Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20005, United States
Phone: (202) 350-9798
E-mail: info@umdiaspora.org

United Macedonian Diaspora (Australia)
PO Box 2153
Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
Phone: 0438 385 466
E-mail: australia@umdiaspora.org

United Macedonian Diaspora (Canada)
3555 St. Clair Avenue East
Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
Phone: 416-209-0448
E-mail: canada@umdiaspora.org

Macedonian Companions Members List (118 Members so far)
As of February 17, 2015; in alphabetical order

Olga Aceska

Ambassador Ljubica Z. Acevska

Aleksandar Andreski

Chris Antoniou

Saso Arsovski

George Atanasoski

Stephanie Atseff 

Alexander Ballios

Donco Bauloski

Odyssey Belchevsky

Jim Bilkas

John L. N. Bitove, C.M.

Jordan Bitove 

Thomas J. Bitove, O.Ont.

Cane Carovski

Snezana Carovska

Srecko Cvetanov 

Dr. George Daicoff

Jim Daikos 

Dr. Dragi Denkovski

Slave Dimitrov 

Evelyn Dinu 

Irena Gapkovska 

Boris Giourof

Katarina Giourof

Andy Givelas

Dr. Robert Givelas

Mike Grebovski

Alexander Ilitch

Carole Ilitch

Christina Ilitch

Denise Ilitch, Esq.

Marian Ilitch

Melanie Ilitch

Michael Ilitch

Michael Ilitch, Jr.

Michael Ilitch, III

Nick Ilitch

Noelle Ilitch

Tony Joseski

George Klas

Dana Klein 

Metodija A. Koloski

Dame Krcoski

John Kuzev 

Vlade Lembovski 

Chris Malinos 

Dr. C. Dan Mallin 

Bob Mallinos 

Jim Mangos

Dr. Lefter Mantse 

George Markou 

Peter Medichkov 

Jason Miko 

Aleksandar Mitreski

Mark Mitskovski 

Dr. Anastas Mukoski  

Glenn Murray

Lisa Ilitch Murray

Toby Murray

Troy Murray

Toby Murray

Dimitar Nasev

Jerry Naumoff 

Lou Nestorovski 

Stojan Nikolov

Marko Nikolovski 

Boris Nitchoff

Constantine Nitchoff

Chris G. Paliare O.Ont., LSM, LL.B., LL.M.

Robert and Deanna Pajkovski

Trajko Papuckoski 

Robert Pasquale 

Chris Pavlovski

George Peters

Elena Petroska

Gus Philippov

James Phillips 

Steve Pliakas 

Bosko Rajcovski

Olga Veloff Sandolowich 

Rob Sandolowich 

Donald Sazdanoff 

Vlado Serdenkovski 

Vlado Smilevski 

Chris Stanwyck 

Kosta Stanwyck

Tom Stanwyck

Dr. Chris Stefanovich 

Chris Sterjovski 

Eli I. Terpo

Nicholas Thaw 

Stan Thomas

Celeste Benjamin Tracy

Stojan Trajkov and Dusanka Delovska-Trajkova

Marilyn Trentos 

Dr. Kiril Trpkov 

Dr. Biljana Trpkova

Ivan Trposki 

Greg Tsanis 

Lubi Uzunovski 

George Vassos/ Barry Kuretzky

Lou Vlasho

Mike Zafirovski




Previous Namibia Becomes 133rd Country to Recognize Macedonia


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